“Microservices Deployment Pipelines” is a daunting topic for anyone. I am going to explain how I built a Microservices Deployment Pipeline on Kubernetes. This project is inspired by Croc Hunter repo.

These are the things you must know in order to continue.

Associated Repositories

Environments( Kubernetes Clusters)

  • qa
  • staging
  • production

How the pipeline works

  • Commits to dev branch goes into qa environment
  • release branches go into staging
  • Pull Requests go into staging
  • When a Pull Request is merged with master it gets deployed in production

Stages of a Deployment

You will be developing the application on develop branch. When you are ready to go into production a release branch is created. When you create a Pull Request from a release branch, it gets built in staging and the build result is submitted to GitHub. When the Pull Request is merged the app will be deployed in productio.

Branch Restrictions can be enabled to prevent unauthorized users from pushing code to protected branches. Similarly Permissions for Branching, Creating Pull Requests, Merging Pull Request and be set based on an individual’s Role in your Organization.

1. Prebuild

In this stage we check whether the image is already available using gcloud command( This is to make sure we are not building the same image twice).

gcloud container images list-tags ${DOCKER_REPOSITORY}${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} --limit 9999 | grep ${GIT_COMMIT_HASH} | wc -l

In addition to that we find the current Helm Revision for Rollbacks.

2. Build

The application is built here.

This stage is only executed in qa and staging.

3. Dockerize

We are Dockerizing the app here. Git hash is used to tag the image.

This stage is only executed in qa and staging.

4. Publish

Pushes the Docker Image to Google Container Registry( You can use any Docker Registry for this)

This stage is only executed in qa and staging.

5. Dry Run

Extecuted in all three environments.

6. Deploy

Extecuted in all three environments. If the deployment is unsuccessful changes are rolled back.

Shell Scripts in the Microservice Repo

Many Shell Scripts are included in the Repo to prevent having to remember all the commands needed and to automate some of the repetitive tasks.

Shell Scripts for Docker

  • 1-docker-create-docker-machine.sh to create a Docker Machine( You will not need this if you do not have Docker Machines).
  • 2-docker_deploy-mysql.sh to deploy MySQL on Docker with the schema and the data.
  • 3-docker_deploy-microservice.sh to deploy the Microservice on Docker. This script uses the gradle plugin for Docker to build the Docker Image.
  • 3-docker_deploy-microservice-v2.sh to deploy the Microservice on Docker. This Script does not use the gradle plugin for Docker to build the Docker Image.
  • 4-docker_cleanup.sh to tear down.
  • 5-docker_remove-docker-machine.sh to remove the Docker Machine( Optional)

Shell Scripts for Kubectl

  • 6-kubectl_deploy-mysql.sh to deploy MySQL on your Kubernetes Cluster. In a Production Environment, you will be using an external Database. Therefore you will not need this.
  • 7-kubectl_deploy-microservice.sh to deploy your Microservice on Kubernetes.
  • 8-kubectl_cleanup.sh to remove everything. You may need to remove the MySQL undeployment from this script if you are using an external Database.

Shell Scripts for Helm

  • 9-helm_deploy.sh to deploy your Microservice on your Cluster using Helm Charts. Uses Config Maps to load data into MySQL( Config Map size is restricted to 1MB)
  • 9-helm_deploy-v2.sh to deploy your Microservice on your Cluster using Helm Charts. Does not use Config Maps to load data into MySQL.
  • 9-helm_deploy_mysql.sh to deploy MySQL on your Cluster using Helm Charts with Data. Uses the Database script db.sql to load the data directly.

How a MySQL image is created

Official MySQL Image on Docker Hub states that your *.sql files need to be copied to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d to be executed when the container starts for the first time.

This can be achieved in two ways.

  1. Build a new image with your SQL Scripts copied.
  2. Use the Official Image. Mount your SQL Scripts into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory.

I have shown both ways to deploy MySQL in my Scripts. Do remember there is a limit to Config Map size( I think it is 1MB).

Final Product

Activity Page

Activity Page

A Pull Request being Built in Staging Environment

PR being Built

A Successful Pull Request Built in Staging Environment

PR Success

Continuous Integration System notification to GitHub when a PR is being built


Continuous Integration System notification to GitHub upon a successful PR build



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