• Custom Domains for GitHub Pages
    GitHub Documentation on Setting up Custom Domains will not that great if you do not know what you are supposed to do. Here’s what you need to do to setup...
  • Create your own Helm Repo
    Helm is a Package Manager for Kubernetes. Here’s a good getting started tutorial on Helm Charts. My Helm Chart Repo is exposed on https://welagedara.github.io/helm/. Add a new Repo Add that...
  • Scrolling with the Highlighter
    You will notice that the highlighted text seems to overflow on smaller screens. There is a simple fix for that. Add the below lines to your CSS. pre { white-space:...
  • Responsive Images
    Jekyll does not support responsive images out of the box. There are plugins that can do that. jekyll-responsive-image Jekyll Srcset But unfortunately GitHub has to support it. The Fix Ben...
  • Getting Started with Jekyll
    GitHub Pages are awesome! Who doesn’t want to host a website directly from the repo. No Continuous Integration Servers. No Apache Web Servers. You just need your HTML. Oh wait…I...

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